October 24, 2020

Memories from the Class of 2020

The class of 2020 had limited chances to say goodbye and exchange memories before they graduated, so we invited them to share some of their best Beloit memories here.

Yashodhara Kundra

Yashodhara Kundra'20 doing a graduation photoshoot with fellow seniors who were still on the Belo... Being a Beloiter has been an enthralling journey of self-discovery. I’ve met interesting people from around the world and made friends for life. Sadly, due to Covid-19, I couldn’t say goodbye to a lot of them face-to-face. Being on an empty campus after classes went online was getting tiring and lonely.

A few of my friends and I, all seniors, were upset because our graduation was canceled. I decided to organize a graduation photoshoot for all of us and it was awesome! We played music, took pictures around campus, and got Taco Bell afterwards.

I couldn’t be more grateful to have made these friends! I will miss being in quarantine with you Shreya, Simone, Sabrina, and James. Thank you for making my last few months at Beloit special!

Daniel O’Leary

I had no idea that my first day on campus was going to lead me down an incredible path of personal growth and fond memories, especially at my freshman and sophomore dorm in Chapin, where I learned so much and made some fantastic friends.

Ellis Lewis

Ellis Lewis'20 I have many fond memories from being a member of TKE and the track team, but my favorite was one weekend on the TKE porch.

I was a new member and I decided to play some music on the speakers we had at the time. At first, only a small group of people came out to enjoy the weekend sun. But soon the whole community came out to enjoy music, toss around a Frisbee, read, and even do homework. This moment to me was simply perfect. The weather was great and everyone was having a good time.

It reminded me that while we live different lives, we have one thing in common: Being Beloiters. I couldn’t have asked for a better afternoon.

Brendan Crosby

I loved seeing the prints that I made in my art classes being shown around and commented on, as well as seeing some of them being displayed for sale in the gallery in town.

Tobin Greenwald

Tobin Greenwald'20 with the lacrosse team in the middle of a snow storm in early 2019. This is a photo from a lacrosse practice in early 2019. On the lacrosse team, we practice in any weather and this day exemplified that. With snow getting in our facemasks and sticking to our cleats, we continued to play. It was times like this, surrounded by many friends, that made my Beloit experience incredible.

McKensie Finan

My fondest memory was meeting my best friend in my calculus class sophomore year. It was the easiest friendship I’ve made and from that I was able to push myself out of my comfort zone and have the best college experience I could’ve asked for.

Samantha Funk

Professor Debra Majeed I had been taking quite a few of Dr. Majeed’s courses after stumbling into her 8 a.m. introductory course to religious studies my first year, which led me to a minor in religious studies.

One class had been working on a difficult prep assignment for our upcoming paper, and Dr. Majeed was not happy with the results of our work. She encouraged us to keep going. Although I adored Dr. Majeed, I struggled with the rigor and intellect her classes demanded when I first arrived on campus.

She asked to speak to me after class before handing back my assignment, while giving everyone else their papers back. I was devastated. When she called me over, she shook her head and started laughing. I was confused, to say the least. I think I said, “Was it really so bad? I’m sorry Professor Majeed.” She replied, “No. I just wanted to take a moment with you to let you know that I am proud of your work, and I am sure that you are a scholar. I don’t know what your plans are after Beloit yet, but you are a scholar.”

I relied on those words for the rest of my college career—when I woke up at 5 a.m. with a concussion that same semester, and when the pandemic struck and I was in a dark place trying to finish college from the unlikely comfort of my childhood bedroom. Those words reminded me earlier on in my college career that I could do this. For those words from Dr. Majeed, along with every person and for every positive and negative experience I had at Beloit College—I am eternally grateful.

Cory Arnett

Cory Arnett'20 and friends standing together. My fondest memory consists of spending two years of my college life living on the same floor with my best friends and being able to see them grow. They helped me through so much, and I loved creating countless memories with them.

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