October 22, 2020

Beloit in the News, Noted as a ‘Bright Spot’

The college’s swift action in the face of uncertainty earned notice by NBC, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times.

A student working in the Poetry Garden, wearing a mask. Credit: Alex GarciaBeloit was out of the gate early with a solid plan to minimize disruption caused by Covid-19, work that drew national media coverage. The decisions to launch a modular 2020-2021 course schedule, roll out an innovative strategic plan, and involve students in planning for the return to campus this fall earned notice everywhere from NBC to the Wall Street Journal to Chemistry and Engineering News, an international trade journal published by the American Chemical Society. Modules are part of the larger Beloit Action Plan.

Beloit was also in the news for engaging students in developing a set of expectations around social behavior that helped ensure a safe return to campus in fall. That approach to bottom-up self-governance attracted the attention of Emily Chamlee-Wright, former professor of economics and current president and CEO of the Institute for Humane Studies. She wrote about the unique approach in an article in Forbes. Then, in a story about how young people are spreading the virus on college campuses, the New York Times called Beloit “a bright spot” for keeping cases in check by involving students in developing and enforcing social norms.

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