Historical Trauma and Birth Outcomes

The Werner lab is recruiting research participants to help understand how and if historical trauma affects birth outcomes for African-American women.

The study is being run by Dr. Helen Werner and students Ardita Fadilovski’21,  Brenda Martinez-Flores’21, Kellyn Tippins’21. 

In order to qualify, participants need to meet the following criteria:

  1. Self identify as a Black or African-American person.
  2. Have personally given birth in Rock County, Wisconsin at any time in your life.
  3. Are currently over the age of 18.

During this study, participants will complete two surveys about their birth experience and how past and present racism impacts your family. Participants will have the opportunity to win 1 out of the 5 $50 Amazon gift cards.

Information collected during the study via surveys will be kept confidential. The proposal for this research has been reviewed and approved by Beloit College’s Institutional Review Board.

For more information, please visit the study’s website or email the team at birthstudy2020@beloit.edu.

July 01, 2020

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