June 08, 2020

From the Editor

A message from the editor about this issue.

This edition of Beloit College Magazine is leaner than it usually is, and it only exists on your screen, but it’s still intended to be the bridge it has always been between you and Beloit College and one another.

We’re late in getting this issue to you because we delayed or dismantled some of our existing, pre-March stories, and sought to capture what was time-sensitive and in sync with our new reality, like a 2020 Commencement that unfolded unlike any other in college history and student essays that search for meaning in the COVID-19 era. More stories are in the works for our fall edition, which we are planning to print in late fall.

Also noteworthy: This is the first time Beloit College Magazine has published Class News online. Let us know what you think of that, and please keep in touch.

Susan Kasten, Editor

Also In This Issue

  • Xinrui Bai’20, Beijing, China, celebrated Commencement by recording his moves atop Beloit’s sign.

    A Commencement Unlike Any Other

  • Dave DeGeorge’89

    Coach DeGeorge takes over as athletic director

  • Through formal and informal channels, Beloit alumni volunteer to mentor students and assist them in starting their careers. Beloiters Helping Beloiters formed quickly as class of 2020 graduates faced a tough job market.

    Beloiters Helping Beloiters is ‘Matchmaking at its Finest’


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