A Letter About Recent Racist Acts

Please take a moment to read a letter sent to the Beloit College community by our president, provost, and dean of students in response to recent acts of racism and violence.

Dear Beloit College Community,

The inexcusable killing of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd have laid bare the continuing human cost of racism in America. It is horrifying, just as it has been horrifying throughout this country’s history. The inequity of the pain of suffering that people must endure - people who have spent their lives being crushed by instance after instance of racism – is intolerable. It is so wrong that this continues and continues and continues. The only way justice can ever be more fully realized is if people who commit these acts of racism are held fully accountable. This requires people in power to demand that it happen. The lack of leadership in this regard has been a key complicit factor in institutional racism’s ugly tenacity. This has been an issue throughout this country’s history and is not born of this moment, but is also present right now.

In stark contrast, just yesterday, Medaria Arradondo, the Chief of Police in Minneapolis, was asked by George Floyd’s brother on a CNN broadcast whether the Chief was going to help get justice for George Floyd by advocating for the arrest of the three officers who were on the scene at George Floyd’s death who have not yet been arrested or charged. Chief Arradondo took off his hat in respect for the family and responded that being silent - not intervening - makes you complicit in the crime. This is exactly the type of leadership from people in power that is needed far more regularly. Chief Arradondo has shown us a direction that others will need to follow.

The mission of Beloit College compels us to confront injustice in ways that are actionable. Every time we reference our aspirations to being ever more an anti-racist institution, we set ourselves on this course. We unequivocally condemn acts of racism and hate individually and institutionally. And, we reaffirm our commitment to equity, inclusion, and diversity. From these arise the power of the Beloit community and the Beloit experience. In the days and weeks ahead, we will continue to seek new ways to more effectively confront racism as an institution.

Our mission, as always, also compels us to take care of each other. You are all incredibly valued members of our community. The purpose of this college only exists with you and through you. We urge you to reach out to friends and loved ones most directly impacted by this moment. Take care of yourselves and each other.


Scott Bierman, President
Eric Boynton, Provost and Dean of the College
Cecil Youngblood, Dean of Students and Chief Diversity Officer

June 01, 2020

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