January 01, 2018

Building Community Through Creativity

Beloiters will have a chance to collaborate with textile artist Amanda Browder’98 (above) on a large-scale fabric art sculpture to be installed on campus in April.

The project is the brainchild of the Brooklyn, N.Y.-based artist and alumna, whose approach to making art brings people together and seeks to build community through creativity.

Browder made her first visit to campus as the Ferrall Artist-in-Residence in September, giving several public talks and meeting with students, faculty, staff, and community members to discuss her work and plans for the project.

Browder is currently seeking the community’s help by asking for donations of bright-colored fabric of at least a square yard in size. Volunteers will help assemble pieces to Browder’s design during community sewing sessions slated for March.

Most of Browder’s work in other locations drapes the exteriors of buildings, bringing new energy and activity to structures and drawing residents together to make art. Beloit’s installation is planned for the Powerhouse, with details to come in spring. The public opening is scheduled for April 20 and 21.

“The overarching goal is to involve individuals and groups in the mystery of creation.”
-Textile Artist Amanda Browder’98

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  • Amanda Browder’98

    Building Community Through Creativity


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