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The Ceremony
Prepare for your Commencement ceremony.
Students whose degree requirements are completed or expected to be completed any time between September 1, 2024, and August 31, 2025, are considered members of the same class and included alphabetically in the Commencement program listing.
Students are expected to participate in the Commencement exercises unless excused in advance by the college registrar. No degree will be awarded in absentia except where specifically approved by the college registrar.
Students who do not expect to complete their requirements until December 2024 may be granted permission to participate in the Commencement ceremony upon notice to the Registrar’s Office of their intention.
Seniors must check out of residential hall rooms by 8 p.m. on the Sunday of the Commencement ceremony.
Non-Seniors must be out of their rooms by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before the Commencement ceremony.
Don’t forget your bikes in the bike racks and remove any items in student storage.
Any student (including seniors) needing an extension of check-out time, including those working for Commencement or otherwise involved with the program, should discuss their particular situation with staff in the Office of Residential Life.
The Alumni Office would love to connect with you to share Beloit news, events in your area, events on campus, and other fun information.
When you know where you’re going to land, be sure to fill out the contact form.
Line Up
The procession for Commencement will form promptly at 10:30a.m. on the sidewalk along College Street in front of the World Affairs Center and Godfrey Anthropology Building.
Those wearing honors cords should arrive at 10:15 a.m.
Class marshals will line up the graduating class in one long line alphabetically within degree categories: B.A. candidates first, B.S. candidates second. Signs will help you locate the proper place for your degree and name. Once you are in the proper place, please stay there. Once the class has lined up, the marshals will divide the line in half to form two files (a double line) that will be led and followed by the marshals.
The tassel should be on the right side of your cap at this time.
Procession Begins
When the leading marshals reach a point on the sidewalk opposite Middle College, the files will stop and open, facing inward; then the faculty/staff — in a traditional gesture of respect — will pass between the opened files.
When the faculty/staff have passed, the class members should again close ranks and proceed to their seats as directed by the marshals. The right file will be seated in the section on the right of the center aisle, the left file will be seated on the left. Please remain in the proper order so you can move to the platform at the correct time.
There is no guest limit for the commencement ceremony.
In case of inclement weather, you will be notified if the ceremony will be held in the Flood Arena of the Sports Center the morning of Commencement.
Please arrive by 10:20 a.m. and line up in the lower level of the Sports Center.
The class marshals are responsible for getting you where you need to be at the proper time. Please respect the marshals’ requests. Even though inside, after you form two lines, the faculty/staff will pass between the two lines and then lead the procession up the stairs to the Sports Center Arena. Just follow the lead of those in front of you.
There is no guest limit for the commencement ceremony.
During the degree presentation ceremony, candidates in each degree category should rise as a group at the request of the chief academic officer and proceed to the platform as directed by the class marshals.
The president makes a statement formally conferring the degree on all eligible candidates. Honorary hoods are awarded to the top-ranking B.A. and B.S. graduates. The B.A. hood and degrees will be awarded first, the B.S. hood and degrees second.
Each candidate should pause on the ramp until his/her name is announced. The candidate then ascends the ramp, receives the diploma folder from the president, and shakes his hand before proceeding across the platform.
Candidates should shift the cap tassel to the left side after receiving the diploma folder.
As you leave the platform, the class marshals will direct you back to your seat.
In order not to differentiate between those completing their work in different terms, all candidates for each degree will be presented together.
All graduates will receive their diploma in the mail. Participants should keep the folder received from the president to hold the diploma.
At the end of the ceremony, the platform party, trustees, faculty/staff ranks, and graduates will formally recess.
Class members should remain in their seats until the platform party and faculty/staff have recessed via the central aisle and then join the recessional at the direction of the class marshals.
As the double file of graduates leaves, you will pass through the separated lines of the faculty and administrators—as a final formal salute and farewell to each other.
During this last gesture, please keep moving so those behind you are able to finish the ceremony and then get to their friends and family.
No guest housing is available on the campus during Commencement weekend.
Those needing overnight housing or dining reservations during Commencement are urged to confirm reservations with area motels or hotels as soon as possible.
Accessible parking will be available for those with disabilities or special needs on the 600 block of College St. A drop-off area is designated on the corner of Chapin and College St. for those wishing to drop off elderly or special needs individuals who do not require accessible parking.
If the ceremony is moved to the Sports Center Flood Arena due to poor weather, there will be reserved accessible parking in the Sports Center parking lot on Pleasant Avenue.
If you have any special guest needs, please contact the President’s Office at
Signers will be available during the Commencement ceremony for your convenience. Assistive listening devices will be available inside Eaton Chapel.
If you have a guest with a hearing impairment, please contact the President’s Office at to make seating arrangements.
Please leave pets at home unless they are a service animal.
Printed programs are available the day of the commencement ceremony.
The Beloit College Mortar Board Society will be selling flowers at Commencement for your convenience.
Thirty-percent of all proceeds go to the Mortar Board Society. Mortar Board is the premier national honor society recognizing college seniors for superior achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service.
Arrangements have been made with GradImages for a professional photographer to record the moment students are awarded their diploma.
Students will receive a free passport-sized, full color proof in the mail approximately one week after the ceremony. There is no obligation to purchase. You have the option of ordering from a variety of packages.
You can pre-register on the GradImages site to have your proofs will be sent directly to you within 72 hours.
Whether the Commencement ceremony is indoors or outdoors, it is a smoke-free event.
Smoking is only allowed in a designated area:
- For outdoor ceremony, a smoking area is located at the corner of Chapin and College Streets
- For the indoor ceremony, it is located 15 feet outside the building entrance.
If you wish to purchase Beloit College merchandise, you may do so on campus at the Beloit College Spirit Store located in the Powerhouse on the 1st floor.