Prizes & Awards

We extend our congratulations to all of the 2023 award recipients.

Charles D. Rosa 1898 Award

Awarded to a graduating senior who plans to go on to law school. Established in 1998 by his daughter, Delaphina Rosa Wyckoff. Mr. Rosa was president of the class of 1898 and salutatorian, and business manager of The Round Table in his junior and senior years. Principal of Edgerton High School 1898-1901; attended University of Wisconsin Law School 1901-1903; practiced law in Beloit while taking over the Chamberlin farm on Spring Creek Road and converting it into a dairy farm to supply milk to Beloit; first judge of Second District Rock County Court 1906-1912; elected to two terms in Wisconsin State House of Representatives 1913-1917; served on State of Wisconsin Tax Commission 1921-1938; and was consultant to the Michigan Tax Commission in 1938 after leaving Beloit.

Recipient: Camille Ledoux

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