Alumni Award

Joe Kobylka of the class of 1951 was an accomplished local reporter, community leader, and longtime Director of Alumni Affairs at Beloit College. This alumni award is named in his honor.

This award recognizes alumni for loyal service rendered to Beloit College, to the recipient’s class, or to the alumni body in general through the Alumni Association, through an affiliated alumni group and/or through direct assistance to various College offices, departments, and individuals.

This award may be voted on by the Alumni Association Board of Directors or given at the discretion of appropriate College officials at virtually any alumni function either on or off campus at any time.

Past recipients of the Joe Kobylka’51 Alumni Award:

John R. Houliston 1899
W. Thaw Clark 1903
Lyle Munn 1907
Dorothy Whitehead Hough 1908
Homer L. Carter 1909
William Chesbrough 1910
Sydney T. Collins 1910
Lawrence H. Riggs 1912
James Wolfe 1912
Arthur R. Collins 1913
James K. Johnson 1913
Gertrude Chesbrough Fucik 1914
John Huling 1914
Gooding ‘Mike’ Kelly 1915
Alice Lowery Riess 1915
Bertha Johnson Candy 1916
Hazel Paige Lipman 1916
Mildred Snyder Uehling 1917
Helen Halsted Lerch 1918
Elenor Brannon Ballard 1919
Josephine Reed Warner 1919
Dorothy W. Merriman 1920
Merrill Norton 1920
Sue Lowrey Crist 1921
David Fifield 1921
John V. Thompson 1921
George A. Clark 1922
Russell J. Clark 1922
Dearborn Hutchinson 1923
Lucy Ellen Magee 1923
Gladys Watts Wootton 1923
William W. Bigelow 1924
Geraldine Kelly Gardner 1924
Edwill H. Pritchard 1924
Pat W. Dawson 1925
Elizabeth Arneman Hutchinson 1925
Edward J.F. Young 1925
Joseph L. Bean 1926
Marvin O. Thostenson 1926
Lee H. Williams 1926
Norma Farnsworth Williams 1926
K. Ramona Garde 1927
Robert H. Henert 1927
James B. Gage 1928
Helen Burnette Wadsworth 1928
Tynne Alanko Roeseler 1929
Elizabeth Porter Kirkpatrick 1931
Harry & Virgina Schafer Wolfe 1931
Jane Lohrer Cates 1932
Charles T. Gunn 1932
Beulah Scott 1932
Avery & Peggy McLaren Jones 1933
James E. Lockwood 1934
R. Noble Gibson 1935
Jane Quisenberry Wirtz 1935
Catherine Mitchell Blakely 1936
Elmore McCornack 1936
Arthur R. Curtis 1937
Glenn E. Hansen 1937
John R. Kinley 1937
William W. Smith 1937
Paul Mitzer 1938
Ruth Colman Peterson 1938
Avery O. Gage 1939
Chester McCullough 1939

Lorita Smith Langley 1940
Guilbert Piper 1940
John Biester 1941
Joseph Morency 1941
Donald A. Sandro 1941
Lois Malone Hough 1942
John G. Martin 1943
Richard D. Pettibone 1943
Barbara Ellett Taylor 1943
Jane Christensen Whitchurch 1943
Carol Corpe DeBruyne 1944
Mary Lu Shaffer Nelson 1945
Carolyn Erickson Plummer 1945
Joan Anderson Hoffman 1946
Allan Kieckhafer 1947
Maybeth Shaffer Martin 1947
Shirley Peterson White 1947
Arthur Johnson 1948
Jean Davis Prinslow 1948
Phyllis Johnson Sio 1948
Arne Larson 1950
John Fredrickson 1951
Charles Goulet 1951
Bernice Mutimer Shaffer 1951
Richard Quast 1952
James Ferwerda 1953
R. Chester Otis 1953
Anthony Peccarelli 1953
Mary Hutchison Peccarelli 1953
Stanley York 1953
Janis Zabel Irvine 1954
Pat Boyles Quast 1954
Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Chenowith 1955
Ann Johonnott Katzenberg 1955
H. Daniel Green 1956
Barbara Hoke Sontag 1956
David Threinen 1956
Nancy Wormley Boutelle 1957
Edward Hoerr 1957
Ronald Orndorff 1957
Marion Ban Epps Hahn 1958
Sarah Kirkpatrick Hudgens 1958
Francine Galineas Melouides 1959
Shelley Seip Beeby 1959
Margery Evanson Smith 1959
Arleen Johanson Nelson 1962
Allan Barta 1963
Jerry Gustafson 1963
Craig Heiser 1964
Nancy Harvey Jones 1964
Ned Schmidtke 1964
Spencer Friedman 1965
Eileen Lund Eastman 1966
Donald Gruber 1966
Elaine Barnes Pritchett 1966
Dudley Carpenter 1967
Donna Niesman 1968
Richard Brooks 1969
Jean Douglas Motsinger 1969
Amy Wright 1971
Betsy Tolstedt 1975
Chuck Savage 1976
Clyde Whitaker 1976
Sarah Bettinger Kruse 1984
Terri North Williams 1991

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