Department of

Physics, Engineering, & Astronomy

Solve problems, build solutions, and imagine the Universe, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies.

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Physics, Engineering, & Astronomy

A curriculum both strong and flexible

Problem Solving Together

Designing solutions to complex problems requires experimentation, the integration of competing perspectives, and the application of knowledge from different disciplines.

That’s why cultivating a diverse community of students and faculty is valued by Beloit’s Department of Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy. By supporting and challenging each other, we can solve big problems together.

As a member of this community, you will develop a core set of problem-solving skills specific to your major: how to define problems, investigate data, and create strategies to drive toward a solution. But you will also acquire the operational skills you’ll need in both your career and life.

More than One Pathway

Whether you are interested in physics for physics’ sake, love engineering, or are passionate about astronomy, a physics major at Beloit earns a scaffolded physics degree that grows the knowledge you need. And that growing knowledge will be reinforced through application in our well-equipped labs, machine shop, and the Maker Lab.

Future engineers can choose to either major in engineering physics or enroll in the 3:2 engineering program to earn both a BS at Beloit and a BS in engineering at another institution.

Aspiring astronomers will learn to apply physics to understand observations in the sky, whether they use telescopes at partner institutions or study images of Saturn’s rings and moons captured by the Cassini Spacecraft.

A bright Beloiter at the Center of Bright Beams
Physics, Engineering, & Astronomy News

A bright Beloiter at the Center of Bright Beams

Laraib Irfan, a rising senior physics major, begins an intensive internship at the Center of Bright Beams, located at Cornell Laboratory Accelerator-based Science and Education, this summer, summer of 2024.


Study Away Fair

Study Away Fair: Discover your options for off-campus study!

Three football players joined the cast of Rehearsal for Murder together this spring, creating bonds outside of their normal social group.

Teamwork on stage and on the field

Football players are comfortable feeling uncomfortable. After all, football is a game of bodies colliding forcefully on a grassy field. But when José Guillen’24 took a  


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