As one of the “International 50,” Beloit College is recognized as one of the leading colleges in preparing American students for international service, diplomacy, and scholarship.
What do our students do with the international relations major?
Our graduates have had many opportunities to practice what they have learned. In the past five years, Beloit students have gone on to graduate programs at Johns Hopkins, George Washington University, Tufts University, the University of Maryland, Oxford, and the University of Iowa Law School. Many have earned doctorate degrees and are in the academic profession.
Others have moved into the business world and are executives in corporations both in the U.S. and overseas. A significant number are in government agencies. We have had at least two alumni serve as ambassadors and many more in high level State Department positions and other government executive departments. Some have become journalists, among them is a woman who directs the PBS News Hour.
One alumnus is an international consultant specializing in developmental and environmental issues in East Africa. Another alumnus is a successful jewelry designer and manufacturer. He believes his education in international relations prepared him beautifully for life.