After Beloit

As one of the “International 50,” Beloit College is recognized as one of the leading colleges in preparing American students for international service, diplomacy, and scholarship. 

What do our students do with the international relations major?

Our graduates have had many opportunities to practice what they have learned. In the past five years, Beloit students have gone on to graduate programs at Johns Hopkins, George Washington University, Tufts University, the University of Maryland, Oxford, and the University of Iowa Law School. Many have earned doctorate degrees and are in the academic profession.

Others have moved into the business world and are executives in corporations both in the U.S. and overseas. A significant number are in government agencies. We have had at least two alumni serve as ambassadors and many more in high level State Department positions and other government executive departments. Some have become journalists, among them is a woman who directs the PBS News Hour.

One alumnus is an international consultant specializing in developmental and environmental issues in East Africa. Another alumnus is a successful jewelry designer and manufacturer. He believes his education in international relations prepared him beautifully for life.


Photo taken in Nassau, Bahamas

The Bahamas-to-Beloit Connection

Top high school graduates from The Bahamas have been enriching the Beloit College community since they started enrolling consistently in the 1980s. The connection between the college and this small island nation is far from coincidental.

Alumni Lirio Hittle’86 (far end of the table) and Samir Goswami’98 (standing) talk with students

Students received career advice from alumni

Lirio Hittle’86 and Samir Goswami’98 visited Beloit College on September 12-13 to participate in classes and offer professional advice. Students were particularly interested in careers in diplomacy, security, climate policy and advocacy, foreign policy, international law, human rights, and international development.

A Jordanian flight crew watches crates of food drift down to Gaza.

A moment of clarity above Gaza

Taylor Luck’07 lives in and reports from the Middle East. His 17 years there have been marked by wars, refugee crises, and extremism, but he has also found generosity, dignity, and hope, reinforcing his faith in our common humanity and borderless values. His stories provide a personal perspective on events in the region. Here is one of them.…

Lyndon Defoe, Jasmine Nears’09, and Alex Kalb in Madison at a voter drive sponsored by America Votes.

Pathways to Public Service

While the notion of public service may seem quaint in this time of deep partisan divisions, the careers of these four alumni prove that there are many ways to work for the collective public good, and that the liberal arts and a Beloit education have always been invaluable preparation for that work. 


Alumna Allison J. Smith joins Council of Foreign Relations

She earned a double major in International Relations (IR) and Russian at Beloit College and an MA in IR from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

The “Yuyanapaq” project documented the atrocities inflicted on the Peruvian people during two decades of national unrest, creating photographic evidence. The sign in this Lima protest translates as “No to terrorism.”

Yuyanapaq: A Photography Exhibit, an Assignment, and a Book

A decade of student and faculty work has come together into a book which documents and reflects on the human rights violations that took place in Peru between 1980 and 2000, two of the bloodiest decades in the nation’s history.


Point of No Return: Speaking out for democracy and freedom

Anastasia Voronovsky’21 grew up in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, but as an international student on Beloit’s campus, she gained a new perspective on her home country and grappled with what she learned.


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