Resources & Opportunities

Pathways Through the History Major

History students at Beloit can select courses with a thematic focus on social justice or human rights, the history of the environment, global connections, or public/digital history. Other students might focus on a particular part of the world or time period. Through individual advising sessions we encourage students to identify their strongest areas of interest but also to explore a variety of themes, places, and historical periods.

Beloit history students often accompany their history major with a major or minor in political science, international political economy, anthropology, education, or a language. In regards to minors, some students pursue fields like medieval studies, European studies, classics, museum studies, music, or education.

Study History Abroad

We urge all History students to seriously consider spending one or two semesters abroad. The opportunity to study a foreign culture, its history, and its language for an extended period will not only enhance your knowledge of that country’s past, but also allow you to deepen your understanding of your own country and its distinct history when you return.


There are lots of internship opportunities available locally, throughout the country, and even abroad. Career Works is a good place to start your search. The Beloit Historical Society and the Rock County Historical Society have both hosted our students recently; you might also check with museums and historical societies in your home town to see what’s available.

History Harvest History Harvest

Other opportunities are sometimes available by making direct contacts with potential employers, or by visiting the website of the SCA (Students Conserving America), which coordinates internships at historical sites run by the National Parks Service.

Going to Graduate School in History and Public History

Some of the most promising undergraduate history students plan to attend graduate school, whether to study a field of history at the Master’s or Doctoral level, or to become a public historian. Students who wish to pursue careers in other fields, such as law or social work, should speak to appropriate college staff at FACS. Choice of program, requirements, admissions, timing, and advice are critical components of the decision to go to graduate school.

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