After Beloit


Dan Weyl’10

Partnering to Advance Social Justice

As an undergraduate at Beloit College, Dan Weyl’10 sought to apply his anthropology studies to social justice. Today, as a co-founder of Four Corners Global Consulting Group, LLC, he and his partners work with non-profit organizations in the U.S. and abroad to help them maximize their social impact.

Genia Stevens’00

Building an Ecosystem for Black Businesses

Entrepreneur Genia Stevens’00 is all about supporting other Black business owners, helping them clear some of the hurdles she has faced.

DeVon Wilson’90 and his team ramped up their efforts to retain and recruit underrepresented students.

Helping Students Succeed in a New Reality

As director of the Center for Academic Excellence at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, DeVon Wilson’90 is helping to clear the many hurdles Covid is placing in front of the underrepresented, first-generation, low-income students he and his team support.

Tobias Gurl’12 started advocating for transgender student housing rights at Beloit. Now, he’s moved up to healthcare issues at the statewide level.

Transgender Advocacy at Beloit Lays the Foundation for Iowa Challenge

Tobias Gurl’12 is no stranger to working in small groups to make an impact.


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