After Beloit

Recent Beloit graduates have continued on into a variety of career paths including graduate (PhD) programs, healthcare training programs, and positions in industry and government. 

Recent Beloiters are currently in grad programs at:

  • Washington University in St. Louis (chemistry, PhD)
  • University of Minnesota (natural resources, PhD)
  • Cornell University (molecular biology & genetics, PhD)
  • University of Michigan (chemical biology, PhD)
  • University of Colorado at Boulder (chemistry, PhD)

Recent Beloiters are currently in the following programs:


Taja Hereford’15

Pathways to Medicine

Successful careers in medicine, research, and public health are not uncommon among Beloit College graduates. 

Aaron Joiner’12

Belonging Here

At UC Berkeley, Aaron Joiner’12 is doing important research on the protein structures implicated in two neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS. His commitment to that work and to helping younger scientists of color feel at home in his field attracted a major honor from Beloit last fall.

Sasha Murphy’24 discovered a world of career possibilities in Kristin Labby’s AMP 200 course.

How do I want to Help? Navigating Healthcare Career Options

Doctor, nurse, physical therapist. While often top of mind for college applicants interested in health and medicine, there are in fact many more career options. A new Beloit course helps students both explore and prepare for them.  

Marcos Arroyo’16, left, and Bob Norris’66 met when Norris visited an environmental studies class on campus. Since then, the two have become good friends.

Kindred spirits across five decades

Bob Norris’66 and Marcos Arroyo’16 consider each other close friends, talking for hours on the phone every few months. Although they graduated 50 years apart, these Beloiters have plenty to agree on.

Grace Scott’22 in her film Grenadine

Grace Scott’22 selected to present at prestigious international dance film festival

Grace Scott, who graduated magna cum laude with a biochemistry major this past May, had her dance film Grenadine chosen from among the scores of submissions to the very prestigious ADF Movies by Movers Festival in North Carolina.

Kaela Evans19 works with a fellow peer in the lab.

Making a positive difference

Newly minted chemical engineer Kaela Evans’19 (BS’21, Washington University) is passionate about doing good in the world and paying it forward.

Jonathan Palmer ’19 in the chemistry lab holding pipet and vial

Designing molecules to be better medicines

Jonathan Palmer’19 uses chemistry to discover molecules that could become effective drugs.


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