Lockwood Field School Scholarship Fund

This fund supports Beloit College student engagement in hands-on learning in anthropology.

Fieldwork forms the heart of anthropology, and field schools provide students with invaluable learning experiences in doing anthropology. However, field schools have become increasingly expensive and out of reach for many students.

The primary purpose of the Lockwood Field School Scholarship Fund therefore is to facilitate student participation in field schools in order to broaden and deepen student experiences in anthropology.


Application Procedure

Any student interested in a scholarship should submit a completed application before one of the due dates. A complete application consists of:

  1. the application form
  2. the narrative
  3. an itemized budget
  4. two support letters
    • one from the field school director
    • one from a department faculty member
  5. a field school flyer or information sheet
  6. an unofficial current transcript.

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