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Department of

Find your artistic voice. Think critically. Collaborate imaginatively.

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Realize the inspirations that will shape your creative future.

Take a risk.

At Beloit, dance and theatre students come from all walks of life and experience levels. You can participate as someone pursuing a degree in dance or theatre, or as someone who’s just trying your hand at the performing arts.

Focus your passion.

Choose from three concentrations or mix and match.

  • Dance students explore ballet, jazz and modern technique and choreography, experiencing movement in a supportive environment where our faculty work with students to become insightful dancers who engage with the real world.
  • Production students bring stories to life by constructing, designing, and managing the physical and ephemeral elements of the theatrical space.
  • Theatre performance students investigate their own lives and experiences to develop compassion for the characters they play on stage or in front of a camera.

Imagine the possibilities.

Our program is rigorous and positive, helping you hone your technique, speak your artistic truth, and identify your unique gifts. We believe your personal development and empathy for others enriches your imaginative possibilities.

Small classes and one-on-one relationships with faculty enable you to refine your artistic message using theory, history and interdisciplinary perspectives. Theatre & dance majors also have various performance opportunities throughout the year at the Hendricks Center for the Arts and Neese Performing Arts Center.

At the end of four years, you will be a gifted communicator, an experienced collaborator, a creative problem solver, and an agile arts professional who is ready to launch a creative professional and personal life.

We get you thinking about the art you want to make …

2274 290 472 Stanley (Michael Kreiser) lifts Stella (Simone Stadler) in Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Wi... Stanley (Michael Kreiser) lifts Stella (Simone Stadler) in Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Wi... “While at Beloit, I found the highly professional caliber of the departmental theatre productions to be an incredible training ground for working in the theater industry, both in artistic craft and professional rigor. Additionally, Beloit’s focus on putting the liberal arts into practice gave me the tools to hustle, maneuver, and creatively adapt in a competitive, ever-changing industry.”

—Simone Stadler’13

Prepare for the World

At Beloit, we know choosing to be an artist can be scary. We work closely with every student to formulate the kind of art they wish to make, attain the experiences necessary to succeed in the artistic world, and develop their entrepreneurial skills.

In Contemporary Theories of Performance and Media, you identify your passion from a theoretical and self-reflexive point of view. What do you believe? What is the value art has for you? What art do you want to make? You create your own theoretical framework for your life in art that will help guide your education.

In your senior year, the Professional Development Seminar asks you to reflect on and revise your earlier theoretical framework and define your plan beyond Beloit. How do you network? How do you write grants? How do you get more training? We help you get from A to B confidently.



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