Liam Dailey
Senior Associate Director of Admissions, New York-based Representative
Pronouns: he/him/his Email: Phone: +1 (608)-713-8030 Text: +1 (608)-713-8030 Schedule an AppointmentHometown: Foster, RI.
Education: B.A. in Music Composition and Performance — Bennington College.
Ask Liam about: snowboarding, mystery novels, Appalachian folk music, and why there is no good reason for Daylight Savings Time to exist.
Favorite place to eat in Beloit: Lucy’s #7 Burger Bar. (If you haven’t had a stuffed burger, you haven’t lived).
Favorite quote: “I don’t play accurately — anyone can play accurately — but I play with wonderful expression.” - Oscar Wilde.
Beloit class to take: Critical Identity Studies 101: Sex, Race, and Power.