William A. Boyd’63 DSC

Bill has more than 50 years experience as an executive leader, entrepreneur, and private investor.

2013 Distinguished Service Citation

Beloit College is consistently recognized for its ability to produce future leaders. We are proud to count William Boyd as one of them.

Bill has more than 50 years experience as an executive leader, entrepreneur, and private investor. Today, he serves as chairman of the board of Agility Recovery Solutions, a leading provider of business continuity and disaster recovery services, located in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bill’s leadership skills flourished at Beloit, where he was captain of the swim team, president of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, and vice president of the Interfraternity Council. A member of the Mortar Board honor society, Bill graduated from Beloit in 1963 with a bachelor’s degree in government.

During his career, Bill worked for Procter & Gamble and AT&T before joining Muzak, the world’s largest audio architecture firm. He spent more than 30 years at Muzak, climbing the ranks from sales representative to chairman and CEO.

Bill has also chaired or served on the boards of leading companies, including Iverify, Broadcast International, and ScentAir. He is also a partner in Salem Investment Partners in North Carolina, and he serves on the advisory board of New York City-based Ironwood Partners and Chicago-based Driehaus Private Equity Fund.

In 2001, Bill was named the regional Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year.

As someone who loves life, work, and challenges, Bill is eager to share his knowledge. He serves as an executive-in-residence at the McColl School of Business at Queens University, and he is a frequent lecturer at Davidson College, the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and here at Beloit College.

Bill became a member of the college’s board of trustees in 2012, and he is an active alumnus who, among other things, regularly participates in the Buc Open, a golf fundraiser for Beloit’s athletic department. He has contributed to the Beloiter Fund, the CELEB Endowment Fund, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and the athletic center honoring Bob Nicholls.

Bill counts his memories of SAE fraternity and his former beloved coach Bob Nicholls among his favorites from Beloit.

In recognition of his strong entrepreneurial leadership and his unwavering commitment to sharing his knowledge for the greater good, the Beloit College Alumni Association salutes William A. Boyd today with its highest honor, the Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 2012

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