Jack Richard Dukes’63 DSC

In 1992, during the economic turmoil when conditions in the Soviet Union deteriorated, you made a whirlwind trip to and from Moscow to deliver 450 pounds of vitamins, antibiotics, and medicine to representatives from Kokchetav.

1993 Distinguished Service Citation

The formative influence of Beloit professors whom you credit for developing both your interest in history and international politics and the realization that the small liberal arts institution provides the best atmosphere for educational success has inspired you over the years; in addition, it underscores your Alma Mater’s emphasis on and leadership in world outlook programming. During your two decades on the Carroll College faculty, you have created a Russian/Soviet history program that has directly introduced hundreds of your students to the Soviet Union and its successor states and also has taken them to the places and people they have examined in the classroom. Likewise, your summer seminars there have benefited many non-students. On the home front, you have helped the Waukesha Sister City Association, thus becoming a goodwill ambassador to the community of Kokchetav in Kazakhstan, and educating residents of both about each other’s culture and history. In 1992, during the economic turmoil when conditions in the Soviet Union deteriorated, you made a whirlwind trip to and from Moscow to deliver 450 pounds of vitamins, antibiotics, and medicine to representatives from Kokchetav. Overall, the Association has provided more than $5 million in food, winter clothing, and medical supplies in an ongoing demonstration of global responsibility and, with assistance of Waukesha’s medical community, has also contributed essential services for Kokchetav residents. In recognition of your outstanding humanitarian efforts and proven commitment to higher education, Beloit College takes great pride in presenting you with this Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 1993

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