Robben Wheeler Fleming’1938 DSC

You have become an authority on labor law.

1963 Distinguished Service Citation

The qualities of leadership you demonstrated as an undergraduate, when you were president of the student body as well as an outstanding athlete, have carried you far in the twenty-five years since then. Following your study of law at the University of Wisconsin, you served your country on the War Labor Board and other agencies in Washington before returning to Wisconsin to direct the Industrial Relations Center of the University. From there you went to a similar position with the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, serving from 1952 to 1958 when you assumed your present post on the faculty of the Law School of the University of Illinois. You have become an authority on labor law, not only in the country, but in many foreign lands where you have lectures and been a consultant. You have served on the Board of Governors of the National Academy of Labor Arbitrators, the Automation Fund Committee, and the Wage Stabilization Board as well as an arbitrator in labor disputes. Your many classmates on the Beloit campus this weekend to observe the silver anniversary of the graduation of their class join with us in heartiest congratulations as we present you with this Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 1970

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