Dorothy Buell Gilbertson’1934 DSC

Lauded as a citizen “influencing the thinking” in Janesville during 1945-65.

Daughter of a Beloiter and mother of two others, you credit the College with providing your early and late careers and with building your confidence to contribute something to education; it credits you with being faithful to its mission. You have served youth and community well; as a teacher, as a school board member and president, as a Trustee of your Alma Mater and, for the past nine years, as a counselor performing as dean of women and associate director of student services. Among the honors your limitless energy, talent and dedication have won for you are listing in “Who’s Who of American Women” and selection as Wisconsin School Board Member of the Year, education chairman of AAUW’s state division board and president of the Wisconsin Joint Committee on Education. Lauded as a citizen “influencing the thinking” in Janesville during 1945-65, you also have given that city outstanding leadership in church, scouting, YWCA and historical affairs. Beloit College is pleased to recognize your devotion to all levels of education and your demonstration of how good and full one’s life can really be by awarding you this Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 1970

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