Charles Eugene Gates’1927 DSC

Your alma mater is proud of your steady climb to the top in the field of newspaper advertising and radio.

1962 Distinguished Service Citation

Alumnus, father of an alumnus and husband of an alumna, your alma mater is proud of your steady climb to the top in the field of newspaper advertising and radio. Shortly after you left Beloit with your degree you joined the classified advertising department of the Chicago Tribune, going into the field of radio advertising thirteen years later with Station W-G-N. From your position as general sales manager you recently were appointed station manager. You have served on the board of directors of the Broadcasting Advertising Club of Chicago, and recently were honored as “Boss of the Year” by the National Secretaries’ Conference. You have been faithful to the social ideals of Beloit by serving your home community of Wheaton in many capacities. You have also been of invaluable aid to your alma mater as chairman of its Alumni Fund. Your classmates of thirty-five years ago join with us in acknowledging your constructive life and faithful leadership in the awarding of this Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 1970

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