Paul Ashbrook Pratt’1918 DSC

Never content with just doing your work well, you always could be counted on to carry to successful completion whatever you undertook.

1968 Distinguished Service Citation

Executive – Civic Leader – Trustee

Few men can point to as varied and distinguished a career as the one you have led. Highly regarded as a dairy industry executive and as a civic, professional and commercial leader, you also have directed your energies toward the improvement of society by accepting challenging responsibilities in numerous welfare, service and social organizations. Never content with just doing your work well, you always could be counted on to carry to successful completion whatever you undertook. The State of Wisconsin until 5 months ago benefitted from your vast experience by employing you as director of its economical and resource development programs. Beloit likewise is a better and stronger college because of your impressive talents and wise leadership. Now a Life Trustee, you earlier served as an Alumni Trustee, then as an active Trustee. You were the Alumni Fund’s first general chairman and a member of the Alumni Advisory and Ways and Means Committees. From 1961-65, you were part of the College’s “official family” as Vice President of Development. Your undergraduate days, including Phi Beta Kappa honors, provided early predictions of your subsequent success and life of dedication. Beloit is proud to award you this Distinguished Service Citation as you and your classmates gather on the fiftieth anniversary of your graduation.

July 01, 1970

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