Alvin E. Rutenbeck’1915 DSC

Quick to admit that you “collect tulip bulbs like some fellows collect coins” you have about 5,000 bulbs on your lot.

1975 Distinguished Service Citation

Historian – Horticulturalist

It has been accurately reported that only a book could do justice to your distinguished career as an educator, horticulturalist, traveler, lecturer and photographer. An octogenarian who established a record by teaching ancient and medieval history at four Milwaukee high schools over a span of 45 years, you informed and entertained both students and adults by relating your travels to past and current events through words and pictures. It was on a European trip in 1929 that you first became captivated by flowers – an attraction that has blossomed into a bumper crop of multicolored beauty in the small garden at your city home. Quick to admit that you “collect tulip bulbs like some fellows collect coins” you have about 5,000 bulbs on your lot, own more than 25 percent of the floral varieties named in the International Register and are a fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society of London. An avid concertgoer, Master Mason and member of the Milwaukee Public Museum lecture staff, you have brought substantial knowledge and great joy to your fellow man. Beloit College proudly awards you this citation as evidence of its admiration and high regard on the occasion of the 60th Reunion of your Class of 1915.

July 01, 1975

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