Thomas George Allen’1909 DSC

1969 Distinguished Service Citation

Egyptologist, Editor, Scholar

Pioneer in the field of Egyptology, you have been one of many Beloit graduates to achieve renown in archaeology. You were editorial secretary for many years of the Chicago Oriental Institute when that unique organization under James Harvey Breasted was achieving world fame for its discoveries in Egypt. You have recorded for posterity in numerous articles and books, the findings of those expeditions, and even in retirement have continued your active pursuits in that scholarly field. Your talents have been used by museums of international fame, and now, as they return to the campus sixty years following their graduation, your classmates salute you as your alma mater presents you with this Distinguished Service Citation.


Note: This DSC contains language and ideas that may be outdated, biased, or offensive. We recognize that hiding our past does not change it, and we can use this to propel us on our mission toward becoming better.

November 11, 1970

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