William Thaw Clark’1903 DSC

You were a pioneer in the field of radiology.

1963 Distinguished Service Citation

Physician – Radiologist

As a practicing physician in our neighboring community of Janesville for forty-four years, you have become well-known in the Rock River Valley. But your activity and fame have not been confined to this area, and your lifelong interest in public health has brought you many posts of influence, responsibility, and honor. You have served the State Board of Health in many capacities, including president. The Medical School of the University of Wisconsin has named you preceptor emeritus in recognition of your many years of service there. You were a pioneer in the field of radiology and your accomplishments in that field were recognized when the American Board of Radiology named you diplomate. Throughout the years you also have served your alma mater in many ways, and as you return to your native city for the sixtieth anniversary of your graduation, Beloit College is pleased to honor you with this Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 1970

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