Ardis Candy Tolstedt’46 DSC

1971 Distinguished Service Citation

Psychiatrist – Youth Adviser

Daughter of Beloit alumni, you serve your fellow man as a physician-psychiatrist and as a teacher of and adviser to youth. After completing your studies here and earning a master’s and medical degrees at the University of Wisconsin, you initially were assigned as staff physician at tuberculosis sanitariums in Chicago and Seattle. Your psychiatric residency in a combined program at the Veterans Administration Hospital and the University of Washington in Seattle carried over into six years of professional experience and as a clinical instructor. In private practice at the Quin and Ramstad Clinic in Bismarck, North Dakota, since 1963, you are hospital chief-of-staff in psychiatry and secretary for the state branch of the American Psychiatric Association. Cofounder of Charles L Hall Youth Services, an agency assisting teen-age Indians, you again are chairman of its board. You also have been a Girl Scout trainer and consultant. In testimony of your accomplishments in helping people, Beloit proudly honors you with this Distinguished Service Citation.


Note: This DSC contains language and ideas that may be outdated, biased, or offensive. We recognize that hiding our past does not change it, and we can use this to propel us on our mission toward becoming better.

September 01, 1971

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