Richard D. Nethercut’49 DSC

He has personified decency and integrity and a caring and vital life.

1999 Distinguished Service Citation

For five decades, Dick Nethercut has set a standard for public service, moral leadership and dedication to improving the plight of his fellow citizens across this planet. As a China specialist in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Department of State, his open mind and sensitive understanding of the Chinese people gave his views great weight in the evolution of a realistic American policy toward China, starting more than a quarter century ago. Noted as a man of courage and principle, in his retirement he turned his caring attention to the needs of society, particularly to the efforts to rehabilitate prisoners and to continue to develop sensible international policies to promote world peace and cooperation. Whether working for improvement in the lives of people of Central America, enhancing prospects for arms control and reduction of ambiguity in US nuclear policy, or inspiring forgiveness, reflection and hope for inmates in our nation’s prisons through the prison ministry, he has personified decency and integrity and a caring and vital life. Part of a proud Beloit family, which includes his father William in the Class of 1912 and his brother Philip in the Class of 1942, this year as he celebrates the 50th anniversary of his graduation, Beloit College is honored to present him with the Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 1999

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