Louis Adelbert Toepfer’40 DSC

As Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, Secretary, Assistant Dean, and for the last six years Vice Dean of this distinguished law school you have contributed greatly to its contemporary character and position.

1965 Distinguished Service Citation

Dean – Administrator

Articulate spokesman for your generation of undergraduates when you were editor of the college newspaper and the leading orator as well as the Commencement Speaker for the Class of 1940, Beloit College welcomes you back to the campus for the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of that class. You went on from Beloit to the Law School of Harvard University where your studies were interrupted by military service to your country. Returning there after the war you received your LL.B. degree in 1947 and have remained there ever since, carrying on various teaching and administrative responsibilities. As Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, Secretary, Assistant Dean, and for the last six years Vice Dean of this distinguished law school you have contributed greatly to its contemporary character and position. This outstanding service to one of the world’s great schools of law reflects glory on your Alma Mater, Beloit. Your Beloit roots run deep: husband of a Beloit graduate, you are the father of five sons, one of whom will enroll at Beloit this fall. The Alumni Council and Beloit College at large welcome this opportunity to recognize your distinguished academic career and deep ties to the College by granting you its Distinguished Service Citation.

July 01, 1970

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