Margaret Nygren’87 DSC

Simply put, Margaret is an advocate.

Distinguished Service Citation
Margaret Nygren
Class of 1987
Awarded 2017

The Beloit College Alumni Association is pleased to award the Distinguished Service Citation to Margaret Nygren, class of 1987, on this, her 30th Reunion.

Simply put, Margaret is an advocate. Her early dedication to a life of service started at Beloit College and shaped her career. While still a student, she volunteered at the YWCA’s battered women’s shelter in Janesville, Wis., where according to her field experience essay, she made the decision to study clinical psychology.

In 1990, she returned to school to earn her master’s degree in clinical psychology from West Virginia University, and later went back for a doctorate of education in organizational leadership from Nova Southeastern University.

Now executive director and CEO of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Margaret has influenced the outcomes of the U.S. Supreme Court and federal court decisions through position statements and amicus curiae briefs to the courts.

In addition, she has served on the boards of leading organizations in advocacy and education, including the Alliance for Full Participation, Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education, and the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council. She currently serves on several national advisory committees, including the Federal Communications Commission, National Institutes of Health, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

For leading a fulfilling life marked by high achievement, personal responsibility, and public contribution-in other words, for living the mission of Beloit College-the Alumni Association is pleased to award Margaret Nygren with its highest honor: the Distinguished Service Citation.

June 10, 2017

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