New at LITS for Fall 2021
Welcome back, Beloiters!
The Fall 2021 semester has officially begun and we are excited to welcome you back! Here are some of the big things happening at LITS.
Library Resources
The Fabric of the Human Body is an annotated translation of Andreas Vesalius’ De humani corporis fabrica. Vesalius is often referred to as the father of modern anatomy who’s work marks the beginning of modern medicine.
Vesalius was a doctor who began teaching medical school in the 1530s by performing live dissections of human cadavers as he taught. Through this process, he discovered errors in the teachings of ancient authors like Galen. In 1543, Vesalius published De humani corporis fabrica, which included over 200 wood-cut illustrations of the human body posed and in various stages of dissection, showing the different systems and structures of the body.
This work supports learning in science and medicine, art, history, language, and more.
This work can be viewed on the first floor of the library near the InfoDesk. If you would like to use this text in a class, please make arrangements with us by contacting
We have added new and up-to-date materials, including test manuals and flash cards, for those studying for graduate placement tests or professional licensure exams.
Current holdings include materials for GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, CPA, DAT, PRAXIS, NCLEX-RN, and PCAT. In addition, we have a Graduate Placement Tests research guide, which includes links to free, online study guides and practice tests. Please visit the InfoDesk to check out test prep materials.
If you have recommendations for other materials for this collection, please fill out a purchase request and put ‘Test Prep’ in the notes.Databases
In Spring 2021, our librarians were awarded the Phee Boon Kang ’73 Prize for Innovation in Teaching with Technology for their project to digitize and host the Round Table and The Gold, the College yearbook.
This summer, much of this work was realized and, this past week, we added Beloit College Digital Publications to our growing list of databases.
Our current Round Table collection spans issues between 1960 and 1980. We are currently in the process of digitizing issues between 1919 and 1959, and expect to add these to the collection mid-Fall 2021 semester.
Also coming soon are the 1964 through 2004 editions of The Gold.
Find information regarding setting up an account in our Knowledgebase and take a look at this quick tutorial to learn about how to navigate the BC Digital Publications archive.
Faces, Spaces, and Services
New Faces at LITS

Starting Friday, September 3rd, you will be able to book one of our group study rooms on our website.
In order to gain access to a group study room, you will need to reserve the room and check in at the InfoDesk. You are able to make last-minute reservations, provided the room is not already booked.
If you need assistance making a reservation for a group study room, please visit our InfoDesk.
Study rooms are available for groups of two or more guests for up to 3 hours per reservation holder per day.
All study rooms are equipped with a large HDTV monitor, HDMI adapter, table, chairs, and a chalkboard writing surface. Additional adapters are available for check out at the InfoDesk.
Workshops and Trainings
Sharpening your BS Detector: Evaluating News in a Post-Truth Era
Clickbait. Pseudoscience. Conspiracy Theories. Propaganda. Misinformation. These are just some of the types of bad news we encounter on a daily basis. In this workshop, we look at ‘Fake News’ (a dirty word that Librarians hate) and then go beyond that to show you how to find good sources, evaluate news, overcome bias, and become an informed citizen of the world.
This workshop will be presented by Librarians Kelly Leahy and Haley Lott at the AMP Connection Sections on September 2nd and 23rd.
September 23rd Session - Library Innovation Space
Apporto Virtual Desktop
Join LITS staff to learn about the new Apporto Virtual Desktop service that will allow you to access campus licensed academic software like Adobe Creative Cloud, SPSS, JMP, and more from a web-connected device anywhere.
Demystifying the Research Process, Part I: Finding Sources
How do you write a research paper? One word at a time. But, before you start writing, you must first do your research – our librarians are here to guide you. Join Haley as she demystifies the first steps in the research process: understanding the assignment, choosing a topic, gathering background information, creating a research question, and finding sources.
Demystifying the Research Process, Part II: Using and Evaluating Sources
How do you write a research paper? One word at a time. But, before you start writing, you must first do your research – our librarians are here to guide you! Join Haley as she demystifies the final steps in the research process: evaluating, citing, and using sources.
Become a Citation Pro
Citations don’t have to be the bane of your existence. Come to our 15 minute Zotero Workshop to learn how this tool can make citing your sources a breeze.
September 8, 2021
3 to 3:15 Session - Library Innovation Space
For the most up-to-date information, follow us on Facebook (@BeloitLITS), Instagram (@BeloitLITS), and YouTube.
If you have any questions about the new library services or materials, please contact us via email at or through our Ask A Librarian Chat Service.
If you have any questions or concerns about the new IT services, please reach out to LITS Support.
We’ll see you soon!