Shivangi Ambardar ’21

Since freshman year, I had attended all Miller Upton Forum Keynotes on campus and looked forward to the day when I would be in a room with a Nobel Laureate.

“Since freshman year, I had attended all Miller Upton Forum Keynotes on campus and looked forward to the day when I would be in a room with a Nobel Laureate. I enrolled for the Senior Capstone as a junior, and I vividly remember the first day in the classroom with Dr. Diep Phan. She explained what we would be doing for the semester and told us the day Dr. James Heckman, the Miller Upton Scholar for 2019, will be on campus. I also vividly remember going back to my dorm, calling my mother to tell her that the best day of my undergraduate career would come soon.

The Upton Forum at Beloit College has given me an exposure that I will cherish forever. Along with my classmates, I had the opportunity to learn about Dr. Heckman’s work and discuss our research with him. His feedback was invaluable, and I was immensely inspired by his depth of knowledge and the impact he has made in the fields of Education and Economics. I will also forever be grateful for Dr. Diep Phan’s inestimable feedback and guidance through my research and as my advisor. My success would not be possible without the opportunities, love, and care brought to me by the Economics Department at Beloit College.”

November 09, 2020

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