Dr. Sudha Pavuluri Quamme’94 DSC

“A leader who brought enthusiasm and commitment to her time at Beloit.”

Awarded in 2019
25th Reunion Award

Sudha once described her time at Beloit as a series of “aha!” moments. As a 16-year-old, she traveled from her home in the Bahamas to Wisconsin. Once on campus, the self-proclaimed “Number 1 Green Bay Packers fan in the Bahamas” made the most of her time.

Sudha was a student athletic trainer and manager for the men’s basketball and baseball teams, a varsity tennis player and intramural athlete, a teaching assistant, a student dispatcher for security, a writer for The Round Table, and, most notably, one of the few women broadcasters for football games on WBCR. She also met her husband Erik Quamme’96 at the college.

After graduating from Beloit, Sudha spent nine years in the United Kingdom, earning advanced degrees. She received her master’s degree in biochemistry and genetics from the University of Newcastle and a medical degree from The University of Nottingham in England, specializing in cancer research, before coming back to Wisconsin. She now works in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health’s department of surgery as a clinical research physician.

Ninth College President Victor E. Ferrall once described Sudha as a leader who brought enthusiasm and commitment to her time at Beloit. She’s never lost that— serving as a former Alumni Association board member and currently as a college trustee.

For her commitment to the college, and for leading a life of purposeful consequence, the Alumni Association is thrilled to count Dr. Sudha Pavuluri Quamme among the accomplished Beloit alumni who have received the Alumni Association’s highest honor: the Distinguished Service Citation.

June 08, 2019

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