Beloit College to offer on-campus COVID testing

Beloit College is partnering with Abbott Laboratories in Chicago to provide weekly on-campus COVID-19 testing for the entire 2020-21 academic year.

Students will be tested weekly, along with approximately 20 percent of the faculty and staff, who will be sample-tested. The College will cover the cost of the testing.

The test consists of an inner nasal swab and produces results in 20 minutes or less.

“This partnership gives us the capacity to take care of our students, staff, and faculty in the best way possible,” said President Scott Bierman. Bierman said he expects the testing to begin in early to mid-October. Until the machines arrive, the College’s Health and Wellness Center will continue to test approximately 20 percent of the student population weekly.

Testing will be conducted from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily in The Stack, the fourth floor of the Powerhouse, the College’s new student union and athletic facility. Karen Mayse is director of engagement and will lead the new testing site.

“These are people, not numbers, and so we’re glad to be able to offer this service, in a more private setting, to help keep our campus community safe,” she said.

Mayse said the College will hire up to eight certified nursing assistants or emergency medicine technicians to staff the new center.

Since resuming in-person classes in September, Beloit has required all members of campus to follow its Protective Practices policy, including wearing cloth face coverings, maintaining physical distance, frequent hand-washing and completing daily wellness checks with the #CampusClear app. Additionally, student leaders created a Statement of Culture, which includes behavioral guidelines for safe interaction on campus.

September 16, 2020

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