
Liberal Arts in Practice Requirement

Students who entered the college prior to Spring 2023 may meet either the Liberal Arts in Practice (LAP) Requirement or the Experience (E) Requirement. Students who entered Spring 2023 or later must meet the Experience (E) Requirement.

The Liberal Arts in Practice requirement is summarized below. See Experience (E) Requirement for information on the current requirement.

All students complete a Liberal Arts in Practice (LAP) experience, which involves applied or original work extending beyond the traditional classroom. Through undertaking and reflecting on these experiences, students connect their experiences beyond the traditional classroom with their learning in the classroom and transfer the skills developed in those experiences into other settings.

If a student is using Option 1 (a LAP 1-designated course) to fulfill the requirement, they do not need to turn in the form; the Registrar’s Office will automatically apply the course as fulfillment of the requirement on their advising worksheet. If a LAP 1 course has not been flagged appropriately on their worksheet in the Portal, they should send an email to registrar@beloit.edu as a reminder.

If using Option 2 (LAP 2-designated course) or Option 3 (LAP Synthesis) to fulfill the requirement, fill out the LAP completion form and return it to the Registrar’s Office, with appropriate signatures.

One exception for LAP 2 is the following: If using CHNL 201 Internship Workshop to fulfill the requirement, a student does not need to fill out the form and does not need other signatures. Successful completion with a grade of “CR” is accepted in lieu of instructor/advisor signatures.

For more details about the three options for fulfilling the LAP requirement, see the following:

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