
Beloit College Fleet Vehicle Policy

Beloit College maintains a fleet of vehicles that may be reserved by members of the Beloit College community for college related field trips, sporting activities, business meetings or other approved events.

1. Reservations

  • Reservations for vehicles are only approved for Beloit College departments, clubs, related groups and organizations. Fleet vehicles are not issued to individuals.
  • All reservations should be made as early as possible.
  • Any departments, clubs or groups wishing to reserve a vehicle, must fill out a Requisition for Use of College Vehicles form, which are available at Security. The form must be filled out completely, including the account number to charge for the cost of the proposed trip and any damage to the vehicle that may occur during the proposed trip. Damage charges usually do not exceed the insurance deductible, $1,000.00, excepting in cases where the total charge is near enough to the deductible to make it fiscally responsible to pay the whole charge instead of filing an insurance claim.
  • All requisitions must be signed by the appropriate Department head, club Advisor, director, or their designee before being turned in at Security.
  • The price per mile for 12 passenger vans is $0.65. All other smaller vans and cars cost $0.50 per mile. This includes the cost of fuel.

2. Priority of Usage

  • The first priority for usage goes to Academic departments
  • The second priority for usage goes to Athletics (Varsity Sports)
  • The third priority is for all other departments, clubs, officially recognized organizations, special funded programs, administrative reservations etc.

Departments with higher priorities can “bump” vehicle reservations made by those with lower priorities providing that the three general guidelines listed below are followed.

  • A minimum of two weeks notice is given to bump another reservation.
  • Trips lasting several days are not normally bumped for single day outings.
  • Student groups that will lose a deposit at their destination are not normally bumped.

On occasion, reservations will be cancelled because of severe weather or an ongoing emergency, either on campus, or at the destination of a proposed trip. Although this rarely happens, we are sometimes forced to cancel your trip for the safety or benefit of all.

3. Authorized Drivers

A. Faculty/Staff

  • Faculty & staff who drive campus vehicles as an integral part of their employment shall have their driver’s history for the last five years verified by Human Resources through an outside agency on an annual basis. Anyone with two or more moving violations/accidents, may not be eligible to drive for Beloit College, depending on the circumstances. Three moving violations/accidents will negate faculty/staff from driving for Beloit College. All faculty & staff are required to have their driver’s records checked annually.
  • Faculty/staff with convictions for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, reckless driving, operating a vehicle in excess of 20 miles an hour over the posted speed, vehicular man slaughter or leaving the scene of an accident within the last five years will not be authorized to drive fleet vehicles.
  • Failure to report vehicle damage sustained while you are responsible for a fleet vehicle, or failure to report receiving a moving violation or ticket while using a fleet vehicle, will result in revocation of driver’s privileges. Drivers are responsible for any violations that result from their own actions.
  • Only persons holding a valid United States driver’s license can be authorized to drive fleet vehicles.

B. Students

  • Students are required to have their driver’s license records checked for the last three years on an annual basis at the beginning of every fall semester. They must pick up a Student Driver Permit Application at Security and fill it out, including a signature and account number for the department/Club/organization they will be driving for. They must also attach a photo copy of their valid United States driver’s license.
  • Security will verify the student’s driving record. Any student with three or more accidents/traffic violations during the last three years will not be allowed to drive fleet vehicles. Any student convicted of; operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI), Reckless driving, operating a vehicle in excess of 20 miles an hour over the posted speed, vehicular man slaughter or leaving the scene of an accident will also not be allowed to drive fleet vehicles. Any student who falsifies their driver application will not be allowed to drive fleet vehicles.
  • If the student’s driving record is approved, then they will take a driver training course with Security to help familiarize them with driving twelve passenger vehicles. The driver training course is only required the first time that a student becomes certified to drive fleet vehicles.
  • Failure to report vehicle accidents, damage sustained while responsible for a fleet vehicle, or failure to report receiving a moving violation or ticket while using a fleet vehicle, will result in revocation of the student’s fleet driving privileges. Drivers are responsible for any violations that result from their own actions.

4. Fleet Vehicle Rules

  • All drivers of Beloit College vehicles are required to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the Department of Transportation, any city, state and or Federal rules, regulations or laws for the jurisdiction they are driving in.
  • Always practice defensive driving and be courteous to other drivers while representing Beloit College while operating our vehicles.
  • The driver shall not use their cell phone while driving. If they need to make or receive a call, they should pull over at a safe location and make/receive the call.
  • Every driver must present their valid United States drivers license to sign out a fleet vehicle at Security.
  • If the vehicle will be driven outside of the Beloit/South Beloit city limits the driver must provide Security with a passenger list. If more than one vehicle is going on the trip, Security should receive a passenger list for each vehicle. The list should include the first and last name of each person inside the vehicle, including the driver.
  • At no time may any alcohol, illegal substances (or intoxicating substances of any kind) be consumed, used, or transported in any college vehicle…or may any College vehicle be driven by anyone under the influence of such substances.
  • The driver shall be responsible to do a pre-trip inspection of any fleet vehicle that they are about to use. They should report any damage that they have noted during the pre-trip inspection to Security before they move the vehicle out of its parking stall. Failure to report damage prior to using the vehicle may result in the driver, and their department/club/organization, being held responsible for the repair of any damage found on the vehicle.
  • All drivers and passengers shall wear their seat belt while the vehicle is being operated. Having more passengers inside the vehicle than there are seat belts is strictly prohibited.
  • The beginning and ending mileage of the vehicle shall be recorded by the driver on the provided trip ticket. Make certain that you turn the trip ticket in at the end of the trip.
  • Due to height restrictions, our 12-passenger vans are not to be taken into parking garages/ramps. It does not matter if the stated height of the ramp is well above the vehicle’s roof height. No exceptions to this rule will be tolerated. Your department/club/organization will be charged for the total cost to repair the damage to the roof; it will not be turned in as an insurance claim.
  • Car top carriers, and the use of trailers, are prohibited.
  • Fleet vehicles are to be used for the transportation of people and their luggage. They are not for the use of hauling other property.
  • If you need to remove seat/seats from the van for your trip, you are required to provide a safe dry place on campus to store the seats until the end of your trip. This should only be done to make space for luggage, not hauling heavy equipment. When your trip is completed, you are responsible to re install the seats in the appropriate manner. Your department will be responsible for any damage or liability because of improperly installed seats.
  • Any mechanical problems with the vehicle such as; lights, brakes, wipers etc. should be reported to Security prior to leaving, if found during the pre-trip inspection, or upon turning in the keys and trip ticket at the end of the trip. Serious mechanical issues such as; low oil warning lights, grinding brakes, loud unusual engine noises etc. should be reported to Security immediately before driving the vehicle any further.
  • Any damage to the vehicle that is incurred while the driver is responsible for the vehicle shall be reported to a Security officer immediately upon returning the vehicle trip ticket and keys at Security. The driver should also document any damage that has occurred on the vehicle trip ticket. Failure to report damage done to a vehicle will result in the revocation of the driver’s fleet driving privileges.
  • All accidents shall be reported immediately to Security. If the accident occurred off campus, the driver shall contact Security by telephone to report it. The driver shall also report the accident to the police or sheriff’s department who has jurisdiction for the area where the accident occurred. A written statement describing the circumstances of the accident and a police report number should be provided to Security at the driver’s earliest convenience.
  • The fleet credit card that is provided with each fleet vehicle is to be used only for the purchase of fuel for the vehicle. The driver needs to use the four digit pin number (pin number is located under the driver’s side visor in each fleet vehicle) when purchasing fuel with the fleet credit card. The driver shall get a receipt every time they use the credit card and turn the receipt in at Security when they turn in the trip ticket and vehicle keys. If the vehicle should break down during the trip, the driver is to contact Security. Security will authorize the use of the credit card for any needed repairs. Unauthorized repairs may be billed to the authorizing department/club/organization. No food, snacks or drinks shall be purchased on the fleet credit cards. Any unauthorized purchases will be billed to the authorizing department/club/organization. If you lose or misplace a fleet credit card, report it immediately by calling Security.
  • Drivers of fleet vehicles that may exceed 3000 miles in one trip are authorized to get the vehicle’s oil changed while on the trip. They may use the fleet credit card and should bring a receipt for the oil change back along with their gas receipts.
  • It is expected that each driver will fill the vehicle’s gas tank if it is less than ¾ full at the end of the trip as a courtesy to others.
  • Each driver should do a post trip inspection of the vehicle at the end of the trip. They should check for any damage that may have occurred while they were away from the vehicle and make sure that any debris inside the interior of the vehicle has been picked up. Report any sticky spills inside the vehicle that you were unable to get cleaned up, or that you find, so that others will not have to deal with the mess. Make sure all the windows and doors are closed and locked and that all the interior & exterior lights are off.
  • Unusual amounts of debris, like mud from a field trip, should always be cleaned up by the driver/passengers before the vehicle is returned. This would include unusually heavy amounts of dirt or mud on the exterior of the vehicle as well.

5. Minors in Beloit College Fleet vehicles

The use of Beloit College fleet vehicles and vehicles rented by the College is generally restricted to faculty, staff and students who are directly associated with the college and are conducting college business. Non-students, particularly minors, who are not officially involved in the educational purpose of the trip, are not usually permitted to be transported in these vehicles.

In special circumstances, when individually approved, non-students, including minor children of a faculty/staff member, may be permitted to accompany faculty/staff on a trip if it is deemed in the best interest of the College. Whenever possible, if minor children are accompanying their parent on a trip, it is best that the individual use their personal vehicle to limit the college’s liability.

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