
Academic Standing Decision-Making


The College, and by extension the members of the Academic Performance Committee (APC), strives to be supportive and understanding of individual student circumstances. To the best of our ability the committee balances this position with concerns that the student is not making satisfactory academic progress.

Standards of Academic Progress: A student is expected to maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and to be accumulating units under the normal course load of 4-4.25 units at a rate consistent with achieving 31 units by the end of eight semesters. Students may be given a probationary period when they fall below either of these expectations.

At the end of each term, the Academic Performance Committee reviews the grades of all students who have not met standards. Each case is reviewed individually, but the Academic Performance Committee is guided in its decisions by certain minimal standards.

Any student may be warned, placed on probation, placed on academic suspension, or dismissed at any time by the Academic Performance Committee for marked deficiency in scholarship or for continued absences from classes.

Academic Warning: Students may be placed on academic warning for excessive incompletes and/ or a term average between 2.0 and 1.85.

Academic Probation: Students may be placed on academic probation for a term average below 1.85; a cumulative grade point average less than 2.0; or two consecutive semesters of term averages between 1.85 and 2.0. Probationary status may endanger the continuation of financial aid.

Suspension and Dismissal: Students with extremely low term or cumulative averages are subject to the actions of academic suspension or academic dismissal. A student may be dismissed or placed on academic suspension without having been placed on warning or probation the previous semester. A student may be placed on academic suspension if both the semester and cumulative grade point averages are significantly below a 2.0 but not low enough to meet dismissal criteria. A student may be subject to academic dismissal if the cumulative grade point average at the end of the semester is below 1.0 after the first term; below 1.5 after the second term; below 1.65 after the third term; below 1.8 after the fourth term; below 1.85 after the fifth term; or below 1.9 after the sixth term. A student is subject to academic dismissal for a semester of all “F” grades.

Normally first-term, first-year students are not dismissed for academic deficiency, but are instead warned, put on academic probation, or suspended. However, the Academic Performance Committee may dismiss first-year students if its findings indicate such action to be appropriate in the individual case.

The actions of academic suspension and dismissal may be appealed by writing to the Academic Performance Committee. Decisions normally will not be changed, except in cases of extenuating circumstances. An adverse opinion on the appeal may then be appealed to the dean of the college.

Removing Students from Probation or Warning

Students who were on probation or warning during the current semester need to earn a 2.0 for that semester AND have a cumulative GPA at or above a 2.0 to be removed from probation or warning. Students who do not meet these criteria may be continued on probation, continued on warning, suspended, or dismissed, depending on their cumulative GPA and earned units.

Continuing Students on Probation or Warning

Students who do not meet the criteria for being removed from probation may be continued on probation, suspended or dismissed, depending on their cumulative GPA and earned units.

Students who were on warning and earned a 1.85 or above but below a 2.0 semester equivalent grade point average and/or have a cumulative grade point average of at or above a 1.85 but below a 2.0 may be continued on warning. Students on warning who earn below a semester GPA of 1.85 and/or have a cumulative GPA below a 2.0 may be placed on probation, suspended or dismissed.

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